Wednesday, April 20, 2016

0 time 0 progress

So as of recently, being my second semester junior year and having a bunch of extracurricular activities, I have had almost 0 free time. If I'm not working on homework, then I am doing a sport. If I am not doing a sport, I am sleeping (at ruffly 2 am if I might add). I don't want this to be viewed as a pity party, so I'll cut to the chase. I have had no time to work on guitar and have almost lost a passion to learn it. This is due to the fact that it seems more of a chore now than something I can kinda just pick up and have fun with.

Its not just a matter of time, its also a matter of energy. By the end of the day I am exhausted and can hardly find the energy to finish my homework. Because of this lack of energy, I have to put off practicing the guitar and end up falling far, far behind schedule. I honestly can't make any commitment to a plan until the work load dies down a little bit.

From this experience, I learned that I need to manage my time better as well as manage my work load. I also learned that I am very slow to recover from setbacks and need to work on that as well. Moving forward, I plan on at the very least, practicing for 5 min a day, regardless of when or where it is.


  1. I understand what you're going through. School and extra circulars are hard to balance! And this maybe being your first experience given a lot of time and just a due date with no check points can be daunting. I think if you make your own check points, or meet with Mr. Orre to make some checkpoints he can help you stay on track. And don't be too hard on yourself, you'll get it all done its just a matter of when.

  2. Recognizing the fact that you are going through these hardships is the first step to overcoming them! As Jace suggested, perhaps meeting with Mr. Orre to help get yourself back on track would help you complete your goal! Also, if you have any free time during the day or over the weekends, take 5-10 minutes to strum out a short tune. If you make the guitar sessions short, you might be able to fit them into your schedule! Stay strong; we're almost finished with junior year!!! :)

  3. That sucks that you have no time to play. I understand how hard it is to keep up practice with a sport and school on your back, but at the end of the day it is about discipline. You can't expect to get where you want without it costing anything. whether it's bloody fingers or a lack of time or something else holding you back, I've been at that passionless place too. Good luck with your adventure, and remember discipline.
